Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Wedding Feast

Jesus loves his bride. When we look at the church as his bride we begin to see things differently, we see men and women being prepared for their wedding day. It will take a lot to turn our adulterous hearts into a worthy bride, but as we seek him we are purified. We, as his bride, worship in adoration of our coming groom. We await expectantly for the strength and love found in his arms alone. We long for the day we can embrace our lover in the security of our union to be made one by our covenant. The church is the first fruit of his redeemed creation. She is clean lovely redeemed and beautiful. Her past has been washed away and her heart belongs to Jesus. He loves her blemishes. He doesn't mind seeing her with no makeup. He still loves her just the same. He loves her bad habits. He even loves her inconsistent love for him. He loves that she's cranky in the morning. He loves her bad breath. He loves her hairy legs. To him see is beautiful!