Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I started reading my favorite book, Irresistible Revolution, again, and frankly I find it Irresistible. It has started reminding me so much of the things that I've been excited about. Its shown me the passion and fire that I feel like I've to a large degree lost. I used to be so excited to serve the world, to humble myself to see someone lifted out of the muck of this life, yet somehow this flame I once had, has largely burnt out. Yet while I read the words of passion that Claiborn writes, I can't help but remember the time when I decided to be homeless, when I took to the streets for no other reason than that Christ needs to be represented in the dark places. So much of the comfort of my life has strangled my passion, but I think its time I go back to my roots. Jeff Hubbard once told me that I was a selfless revolutionary, and until I once again fill that title I will not rest. I want to be an ordinary radical who frequently lays my life down for the benefit of others, and takes up my cross and becomes a mockery for the beautiful and glorious name of Jesus Christ. I want to once again look upon the injustice in this world and be completely broken by it. I want to become nauseated when I hear of the depravity of the world I live in. I no longer want to carry complacency and comfort, I nail it to the cross and from here on out I will carry the cross of knowing that people out there hurt, and that it is my duty to help them.